It is our very sad duty to inform you all of the passing of one of our most cherished and dearly loved life members, Ron Grandison VK4RG. Ron passed away at the Cabanda Home, Sunday morning at 2am.

Ron was one of the very originals of the club, assisted in building the clubhouse, and participated in so many events. He WAS the morning voice of the 8am Net, nearly every morning for nearly 30+ years, and you always knew when you heard Ron’s voice that it was 0800Hrs precisely!
He will be very sadly missed. He made such a contribution to our radio community in so many positive ways. His legacy will continue for a long time to come. Farewell Ronnie, and thank you for all the positive presence you made in our lives for so many years.
When funeral details are available, they will be published here and emailed to all members.